CS:GO Update Release Notes for 7/27/2016

Тема в разделе "update", создана пользователем BOT, 28/7/16.

Обсуждение темы Release Notes for 7/27/2016 в разделе update на форуме www.gamer.kg

  1. BOT


    – Radar is no longer hidden when win panel comes up.
    – Shipping changes to how some UI elements are implemented in preparation for a move to Panorama UI. This should have no noticeable change in UI functionality, but is the first step in moving to the new system.
    — Please report any UI regressions to csgoteamfeedback@valvesoftware.com and include #UIFeedback in the subject heading.

    – Increased fidelity of firing sounds for P90, MP7 and MP9
    – Added unique reload and draw sounds for P90, MP7 and MP9
    – Slightly reduced volume of firing for recently changed weapon sounds
    – Made headphones the default sound option instead of two-speaker. (If playing with headphones or sound cards with virtual 5.1/7.1 enabled, make sure 5.1 is selected in the CSGO audio settings menu instead.)

    – Networked viewangle precision to other players is now lossless.

    – Updated the autobuy and rebuy scripts to support 2x flashbangs and reordered the purchasing order (in case of insufficient funds.)
    – Added tracers to alt fire on Aug, Sg, Glock, and Famas.
    – Set all shotguns except XM to semi-auto.
    – AWP and SSG08 now also drop magazines
    – (Thanks, SlothSquadron)

    – Fixed a server crash (Thanks, Gamemann, for the report)
    – Fixed bug where non-Latin characters could not be stored in config files.

    – Fixed bug where demoui, console, and other controls wouldn’t show an ‘X’ to close the window.